Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Find ways to stay motivated

Find ways to stay motivated
Project Fit Families

By Melinda Coscarelli Lutes
Project Fit Families

As a fitness trainer, it is my responsibility to find what motivates my clients in order for them to reach their goals. But staying motivated is the key for long-term success. Maybe you want to fit back into your skinny jeans? Maybe you are going on vacation and want to look good in a swimsuit? Maybe you want to get off some of your medications, or maybe you just want more energy to chase the grandkids around?

Whatever the reason may be, I have found it is most effective to keep your goals in sight at all times. We often start out with the best intentions, but then life takes over and we fall victim to our old habits. In order to be successful, you need to find a way to combat your thoughts from getting sidetracked. The best way to do this is to have a plan that includes visual reminders of what your hard work and dedication are going to earn you.

Start by putting your goals in writing. Make sure they are specific and include time frames with both your short-term and long-term expectations. Include pictures of what your reward is going to be once you achieve your goal, such as that new swimsuit or outfit you are wanting. Sign, date and make copies of your goal sheet. I recommend posting copies on your bathroom mirror, your fridge, your computer and any other place that you visit often. This will serve as a reminder to stay focused.

If your goal is to lose weight or change your body composition, there is nothing more motivating than taking frequent pictures of yourself and being able to actually see your progress. Pictures are a big reality check. And keeping your original pictures long after you've reached your goals is also a great way to prevent yourself from going back to your old habits. If you are trying to get off your medications and improve your overall health, take pictures of your loved ones and place them on the medicine cabinet.

Sharing your goals with your spouse or a good friend is also very helpful. Give them a copy of your goal sheet and tell them to hold you accountable. Odds are that somebody else you know is also trying to get into better shape or improve their health. So maybe you could have a friendly competition with them, with the prize being lunch, a pedicure or something fun.

And remember, if you happen to get sidetracked, it's not the end of the world. Immediately get back on track and re-focus. Don't make excuses and don't wait until tomorrow. Do it now! You will be one step closer to reaching your goals. Visualize how much better you are going to look and feel. Keep your mind set on the prize. You can do it! And you are worth it!

We are in this together! Join me and others on our fitness journeys on facebook: Project Fit Families.

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